Was mit Kunst - Ein Podcast von und mit Johann König | Podimo

Was mit Kunst - Ein Podcast von und mit Johann König | Podimo

... with Amir Fattal

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In the newest episode of WAS MIT KUNST, Johann König speaks with the artist Amir Fattal, whose exhibition POST-ARTIFICIAL PAINTINGS is on view at KÖNIG TELEGRAPHENAMT from 14 FEBRUARY – 16 MARCH 2024.

Amir Fattal (b. 1978, Tel Aviv, Israel) is an artist and curator based in Berlin. Fattal’s practice is one of reflection grounded in the history of aesthetics and cultural references. Working with new technologies such as AI, 3D printing, and digital animation, his work highlights their effects on creativity. In his new series of post-artificial painting, Fattal reimagines classic art-world scenarios for the 21st century. He starts each work with a series of prompts that coax forth a fictional portrait from the depths of AI’s ‘collective unconscious’. Then, employ traditional oil painting techniques on canvas to bring these AI-generated images to life, blurring the line between reality and imagination.

In his solo exhibition at KÖNIG TELEGRAPHENAMT, new oil paintings from the series STUDIO VISITS, which interpret classical art world scenes for the 21st century, are on display.


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Über diesen Podcast

In “Was mit Kunst” lichtet Johann König den Schleier der exklusiven Kunstwelt, indem er Künstler*innen, Kurator*innen und Kunstsammler*innen interviewt. Die Gäste sprechen über ihren Werdegang, ihre Werke und reflektieren die Entscheidungen, die sie in ihrer Karriere getroffen haben, wie sie Hindernisse überwunden und sich von Zuschreibungen frei gemacht haben. Ein einmaliger Zugang zu prägenden Akteur*innen der Kunstszene

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