Was mit Kunst - Ein Podcast von und mit Johann König | Podimo

Was mit Kunst - Ein Podcast von und mit Johann König | Podimo

... with Arne Quinze

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In this episode of WAS MIT KUNST, Johann König talks with the artist Arne Quinze.

Arne Quinze is a Belgian contemporary artist, painter and sculptor. His work involves everything from small drawings and paintings, medium-sized sculptures to massive installations. Quinze was born in Belgium in 1971 and currently lives and works in Sint-Martens-Latem, a town near the Belgian city of Ghent. His early career in the 1980s was as a graffiti artist. He always questioned the role of our cities and started his search for cities to become open air museums. His work quickly evolved from Street Art to Public Art with recurring themes such as social interaction, urbanization and diversity.

In the podcast, they speak about Quinze's approach to art, which is based on a close connection with nature, how his practice has evolved from graffiti to painting and sculpture, and his upcoming exhibition coinciding with the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia.

View the showroom presentation HERE


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Über diesen Podcast

In “Was mit Kunst” lichtet Johann König den Schleier der exklusiven Kunstwelt, indem er Künstler*innen, Kurator*innen und Kunstsammler*innen interviewt. Die Gäste sprechen über ihren Werdegang, ihre Werke und reflektieren die Entscheidungen, die sie in ihrer Karriere getroffen haben, wie sie Hindernisse überwunden und sich von Zuschreibungen frei gemacht haben. Ein einmaliger Zugang zu prägenden Akteur*innen der Kunstszene

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