Was mit Kunst - Ein Podcast von und mit Johann König | Podimo

Was mit Kunst - Ein Podcast von und mit Johann König | Podimo

... with Yussef Agbo-Ola

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In the newest episode of WAS MIT KUNST, Johann König speaks with the artist and architect Yussef Agbo-Ola.

In his practice, Agbo-Ola addresses artistic, architectural, and anthropological issues by creating experimental spaces, such as pavilions, that reorient our perception of ecosystems and geological relationships. Beyond the design of such spaces, his artistic practice also includes photography, performance, sound, and text.

Agbo-Ola studied fine art at the University of the Arts in London and then architecture at the Royal College of Art. He has realized art and architecture projects for institutions, including the United Nations. His work has been exhibited in prestigious institutions and shown in major exhibitions, including the Institute of Contemporary Art in London, the Serpentine Galleries, the Sharjah Architecture Triennial in the United Arab Emirates, the Venice Architecture Biennale, the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, and the Tai Kwun Arts Center in Hong Kong.

In the podcast, Johann König and Yussef Agbo-Ola speak about blurring the lines between art and architecture, the artist’s sources of inspiration and his exhibition at Schering Stiftung.

Learn more about the artist HERE


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Über diesen Podcast

In “Was mit Kunst” lichtet Johann König den Schleier der exklusiven Kunstwelt, indem er Künstler*innen, Kurator*innen und Kunstsammler*innen interviewt. Die Gäste sprechen über ihren Werdegang, ihre Werke und reflektieren die Entscheidungen, die sie in ihrer Karriere getroffen haben, wie sie Hindernisse überwunden und sich von Zuschreibungen frei gemacht haben. Ein einmaliger Zugang zu prägenden Akteur*innen der Kunstszene

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